“Slap-bang” tastic Back To School

So, last night, I posted to Facebook that the kids were in bed by 8.  Yeah, that lasted for oh um….ten minutes until someone’s finger hurt, someone really, really, really, wanted to wear their school clothes to bed, “Just so I’m ready, Mom!…oh c’mon, mom, please….please…please… I’m trying to be responsible!”, and yet another complained she was waiting up “all this time!” for me to “properly tuck us in”!

Good grief!

Then I had the great idea to put up my iSwaag chalkboard wall with my DIY mommy swagger, and then read this swagger-stopping line on the website:

“Keep flattened with heavy objects on edges for 24 hours so roll is totally flat”

Spur-of-the-moment plans of awesomeness rarely work out for me…I don’t know why I even try.

So I decided to make chalkboard “first day of school signs” like these.


They’re printable (read: you can’t mess this baby up if your life depended on it). They’re chalkboard themed.  They’re cute.  They’re free! Perfect to redeem my awesomeness fail.

Until I realized I didn’t have Popsicle sticks so the kids can actually hold the signs!  Really! Really?!?!?! First it was the time (or lack thereof).  Now it’s the materials (or again…lack thereof).  What’s next…a paper cut?

Please God, no!  Even though I did finally break down and buy Converse, — I am not awkward vampire birthday party Bella Swan.


Uhhhh…. No.

So, I scavenged the kitchen drawers and decided to tape the wooden spoons upside down, doing an admiral “Slap-bang”* job on these signs! Now, the grandparents will get cute cards on Grandparent’s Day this Sunday.

So, here are my kids’ back to school pics. BTW…I survived these signs paper-cut free!


Tyson: One who freaks out over a torn nail after bedtime


Trinity: Proper tuck-in protocol enforcer


TJ: “The Responsible One” aka…he who does not want to expend the extra energy to actually get up and put on clothes in the morning.

Well lovelies! I’m going to get cute for my celebratory lunch date with the hubs. I hope your day is full of joy, laughter, and of course, Shalom!

Paper-cut free and lovin’ it,


The term “slap-bang ” is from RHE’s book, “A Year of Biblical Womanhood”. It’s a word to describe a rare combination of ingenuity, flexibility, and surety found in women whose DIY spirits are willing but their flesh (and fingers) are weak. We’re pioneers in “good enough” and supporters of “Meh, that’ll work”. When life gives us a craft box void of Popsicle sticks (or in RHE’s case sewing ability) we press on with wooden spoons and wooing our sewing friends to do the work for us.

10 thoughts on ““Slap-bang” tastic Back To School

  1. Shalom to you on this first day of school! 🙂 You did it- you successfully loved on your kids for another entire summer! Should you feel a sense of accomplishment? Yes. Did you have moments (much like the rest of us) where you face-palmed? Probably. But does that take away from the fact that you’re a woman of excellence, and the best Mom ever? No. Not a bit. 🙂

  2. A shout out on RHE’s Sunday Superlatives led me here. Thanks for a good laugh. The signs and your kids look great 🙂

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