Shalom in The City’s Getting a Makeover- And You Get A Say In It

Readers'SurveyFor Mother’s Day, my sweet husband, whose “tent-making” job during most of seminary was designing websites,  is going to give our little place on the web to talk about shalom-y goodness a makeover!

He’s going to do all the nerdy, artsy, techy stuff like re-doing  the header and installing a new Word press theme and something very complicated sounding with the CSS?  Not sure, I zoned out at the word, “install” and I’m taking over the content and planning cool series, posts, and link-ups for the future and I’d be so thrilled to get your feedback.  My friend, Sheri over at Lyrics of Life did a survey a couple of weeks ago, and I knew if the hubs agreed to my gift idea that a survey would be one of the first things I put together to make “Shalom in the City” a place where you can find encouragement, inspiration, and a few laughs.

So, I need you help!  I put together a quick and quirky survey for you, my lovely readers to take.  You don’t have to put your name anywhere on it, unless you mention it in the comments.  I did a practice run and it took me less than five minutes to complete, but then again, all the comments were, “Osheta you rock!” “Osheta you win the internet”, ” Go on with your bad self, Shalom Sister” so maybe my survey time taking is a bit skewed :).  But seriously, I’d be so honored to hear from you and learn how this blog has been helpful to you or even the  things you’d love to see more of.

Here’s the link

Anyway, the hubs is back in Boston for the weekend graduating from seminary and the kids are watching too before bed- I should probably go, be a mom, and put them to bed.

Surveys and Shalom,
