Gracious Expectations for Our Tribe


Today I’m so honored to guest post for Alyssa Bacon-Liu, the beauty behind, “All Things Beautiful”.  She is smart, funny, genuine, and incredibly talented.  I’m so excited to share a post on grace called, “Gracious Expectations” with you my lovely readers.

Oh my God!  You have SO lost your mind!” I yelled at the driver who nearly cut us off on Storrow Drive, the uncomfortably narrow, often confusing, major parkway into Boston our family takes every Friday night.

So that my husband and I can get in a regular date night during the school year, we drop our kids off at the historic Park Street church for Fun Night.  Between three kids, one church plant, and the high cost of living in Boston, we shamelessly take a more “ecumenical” approach when planning church activities for our children.  If from the website we can tell that the leaders loves Jesus and they won’t be handing out snakes or Kool-aid at the end of the event—we’ll enroll the kiddos. We like to think of it as broadening their Kingdom pallet instead of ministry mooching.

Read more on Alyssa’s blog…

Then I encourage you to stick around.  Alyssa’s “Obsessions” posts are always so much fun!

See you tomorrow where I’ll hopefully rebuff the myth of “The One” when I start our Campfire Conversation on God’s Will.

With Grace, grace, and more grace,



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