The Friendship Project: Day Four From My Sick Bed


My husband has been sick for a few days.  In fact, I canceled a girls’ night in to tend to him.  Well, it came to a head for him yesterday.  He had a fever and chills at the church office while writing his sermon.  When he came home at 9, he went back to bed and I laid on the couch because I realized I was experiencing the very same symptoms he was complaining about days ago  That’s right, he was coming out of his crude and I was entering in.  So, this morning when checked in we both realized that 1: Church wasn’t happening for either of us and 2: That we need to get our flu shots like immediately.

The good thing was I didn’t have to parent while sick today, my friends rallied behind me so, I’m taking a break today from the vows to share with you how you can bless your friends when they’re sick. My Story Sister and friend, Lisha hosts a link up on Sunday called, #GiveMeGrace and I can’t think of a more appropriate expression of God’s grace than when your community comes to your aid when you’re under the weather.

Four Things To Do When You’re Friend Is Sick

#GiveMeGrace on today’s Friendship Project


1: Offer to take her kids for the day
Y’all, I got this text right after breakfast when I was unsure what to do with the kids for the day. On one hand I could employ Nanny Netflix, but after an hour so the kids get over her and then the real drama begins. If you can, offer to take her kids so she can get a long stretch of rest. I dropped my kids off around 11, came home, curled up on the couch and slept for three hours. When I woke up, I felt a little less achy.
FullSizeRender_12: Save Her from Her Superwoman Ways
Last night, I was in deep denial that I was feeling sick. My husband, yes, it was completely ok for him to be sick, but me? No! Over text my friend convinced me to take the day off. She offered to work my shift in the nursery, find a replacement, and pray. Sometimes, we need our girlfriends to step in and say, “you don’t have to do it all. In fact, I’m going to make sure you don’t” What blessed me most about her text was her full support of taking care of myself. I went to bed last night at peace with my weakness because to my friend, my owning it was evidence of my strength!
FullSizeRender_23: Send Her Texts and Kind Messages
Taking to your sick bed (or in my case, sick couch) can be incredibly isolating. Once the kids are shipped off so you can rest, when you wake up and make your soup and the house is quiet, it’s very easy to feel lonely. I didn’t today though, there were voice-mails and texts from my friends letting me know they missed me and we’re praying. Sometimes a text can feel very insignificant, but I really isn’t. It’s reaching out to let the woman on the other side to know you see them, you’re thinking of them, and you love them.

4: Send FOOD
Y’all. There’s orange chicken, salad, mint brownie ice cream and grapes in my fride. Even though I threw together a crock pot meal when I woke up this mornin, I’m so grateful I don’t have to think planning dinner tomorrow. I can rest again while the kids are in school so I can fully kick this crud. Can’t cook? Order pizza. Or Pad Thai. Anything, really.

These we’re my moments of grace on my sick day. Pray for me! I really want to kick this before leaving for Allume.

What other ways have you cared for your sick friends?  I’m always looking for new ways to be a better friend because flue season.

Seeking Shalom from my Sick Couch



One thought on “The Friendship Project: Day Four From My Sick Bed

  1. Just went through this last week! Rides to/from school and extracurricular activities: golden! The husband was great holding down the fort! Yes, texts from friends taking care of you when you don’t even know how to take care of you: love.

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